Venezuelan Florals (2024)
Daycare Fauxsaic Staircase (2024)
Daycare Family Tree (2024)
Daycare Wall - Alphabet, family tree, birthdays
Youthdale Mural (2020) - Detail
Youthdale Mural (2020) - Detail
Youthdale Mural (2020) - Detail
Youthdale Mural (2020)
Outside The Box - Avenue & Woburn (2017)
Floral Nursery Mural (2019)
Outside The Box - Avenue & Woburn (2017)
Outside the Box - Dufferin & Briar Hill (2016)
Outside the Box - Dufferin & Briar Hill - Back (2016)
Lion King Bedroom (2015)
Lion King Bedroom (2015)
Lion King Bedroom (2015)
Lion King Bedroom (2015)
Lion King Bedroom (2015)
CAMH Forensic Secure Unit (2015)
Nursery Safari Mural (2017)
The Health Centre Integrative Therapies, Dundas (2014)
The Health Centre Integrative Therapies, Dundas (2014)
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